On May 2nd, Georgian Corporate Social Responsibility Club (CSR Club), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, CiDA and the UN Global Compact Network Georgia hosted a high-official event of the “Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2019”.
The CSR Award Competition brought together 33 major business companies from Georgia, with winners being announced in 5 nominations. Among them was the Financial Inclusion Organization Crystal, winning the Award for the best practices of the gender equality principles (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) #5).
Nominations presented at the Corporate Responsibility Awards ceremony were the following: Quality of Education (UN SDG 4), Gender Equality (UN SDG 5), Decent work and Economic Growth (UN SDG 8), Sustainable Cities (UN SDG 11) and Partnership for Sustainable Development (UN SDG 17).
Crystal got the second Award as well: Award in UN SDG Pioneer – for the first time from Georgia a young professional (aged under 35) was nominated from Georgian Business Sector. The nomination was awarded to someone, doing an exceptional job to advance responsible performance of the company and to implement sustainable development goals internally – making global goals local business.
Maya Kobalia, our team member – Head of the Environmental and Social Division – was announced as the first winner of the SD Pioneer Award from Georgia, who will compete in the global round with other SDG Pioneers in the UN Headquarter in New York (United States) in September of this year.
Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2019 aims to promote corporate social responsibility and to encourage businesses in Georgia.